Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We are still giving away complimentary issues!

Yes, the Center for Food and Agri Business is still giving away complimentary issues to those who will subscribe to our magazine!  This is our way of thanking everyone for being part of our 30 years.

What you will get if you subscribe now:
 - 1-year subscription - 2 complimentary issue
 - 2-year subscription - 3 complimentary issue

PLUS, you will get a discounted rate on our Food and Agri Business Conferences every July and December.

By subscribing to our magazine, you will have an access to the following data and information that we publish:

- different food and agri industry situationers
- news on food and agri industries both international and national
- price trends such as retail and wholesale prices of Metro Manila agri commodities, domestic retail price indicators, regional retail price indicators, regional processed food retail prices, and international wholesale price trends
- top agricultural exports and imports (quarterly)
- Food and Agri Business Papers that we publish every quarter

To subscribe, please call us at (02) 637-0912 loc 247/345, 634-2819 or email us at  Please look for Joy or Ann.

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