Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Agribusiness Book launched!

The University of Asia and the Pacific - Center for Food and Agri Business recently launched a long-awaited book in the industry. The book "The Business of Agribusiness: From the Roots to the Fruits" tackles the Eight "Ps" of agribusiness: Passages (history); Products, Places and Performance; Power Groups and Players; Pioneers Overseas; Partnerships; Pathways and Pitfalls; Potential and Promise; and Pursuit of the Future.

This is a valuable resource for managers, investors, policymakers, decision makers, agribusiness enthusiasts, students and researchers. It is meant to inspire and prod people, whether in or out of agribusiness, to take action and take advantage of the vast opportunities the sector offers.

for details, you can visit our website:
http://cfa.uap.asia or email us atcfauap@yahoo.com. You can call us at 637-0912 local 247, look for Joy or Dani

You can download the order form here.

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